I am fluent in two languages - English and Southern. My sainted Mother was an English teacher, and on the occasions when I decided to speak Southern around her (much to her chagrin and my amusement), she would correct me. Of course, my defense was (and still is) that Southern is a distinct language from English. However, I do sometimes mix the two ... sort of like the Mexicans in Texas who mix Spanish and English into a whole new manner of speech - Spanglish, if you will (but I digress) ...
Your Mom was a teacher? I have very high regard for teachers, as opposed to ribit, who thinks it is a minority jobs programs. RIBIT, IT IS NOT. Try a substitute teacher position for a week. If ya live, let us know how it went. How about the punks we recently saw on the bus severely berating the aide?
Yes, I think you should temporarily work in a Middle School. They are only 12-years-old. Remember, though, everything YOU THINK YOU WOULD DO is considered corporal punishment.
BELDIN: southern-speak definitely sounds, ummmm, dumb. It just comes across that way to me.
so, I apologize if the use of my bastardized mixture of speech causes you any confusion. Therefore, in the future, I will endeavor to post clearly in the Queen's English ... so's youse (throw in a little Northern, here and there, too!) Yankees don't go gettin' all flustered 'cuz ya don't comprehend what I be talkin' 'bout, don'tcha know!
It doesn't cause me any confusion. Unfortunately, I do understand what you are saying. Poor me. Already told ya: I don't use "youse" and don't hang with people who do.
I am not flustered nor confused. You just sound so much more intelligent by not using your southern-speak.
Just my opinion, and you know what they say about them!
If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.