"And New York is doing fine, ignorant turkey."
"You are either too stupid or too naive to think we can't comprehend English."
"Take an aspirin and call me in November, the day after the election, jackass."
"Yeah, but you're a schmuck. You don't count."
"Pretty ugly economy Bush left us with, eh moron?"
"Don't ho;d your breath, moron."
"Get your head out of yo azz"
"Get a job. You ate the poster boy for ....unemployed jerk."
"Why don't you ask Perry about that, turkey?"
"You did, stupid."
"You need to get a job. You are a loittering jerk."
"You should have never propagated your genes."
"...and shouldn't be a state issue, MORON!"
"Race is not the reason people dislike YOU. It's your silly, fed up brain."
"I guess that's what also got him in the White House too, eh racist pig?"