Yes. Romney is without a doubt a dyed-in-the-wool statist, and I do see his agenda clearly.
The difference 'twixt the two (ahem) choices is time. With Obama, time has run out as he intends to press his agenda--the assimilation of American sovereignty under globalist rule; the submission of the individual to the collective--rapidly. To use your analogy, he has a knife at our nation's throat and presents a necromancer (er...muslim) choice: convert or die.
Romney's stiletto jabs are not intended to be fatal, but rather weakening. With Romney there is time to build a true conservative resistance with the goal of restoring the Founders' vision within our historical framework. The Obama scenario is ultimately an imminent civil war where the resistance is underground and there is little hope for the continuation of the nation we know and love even if the resistance prevails.
Only a Republican victory this November in Congress and the presidency gives us time for hope.