re: "Clinton kinda fibbed, a little bit, maybe, about a bj."
No. Clinton demonstrated that he believed himself to be above the law. He lied under oath.
If you or I do that, we go to jail. But when our SERVANT does that, he walks? That's pretty screwed up, ktc.
Elected officials should be held to a higher standard, not lower, than ordinary citizens, or corruption will be encouraged. Perhaps that's what you want, but it's not acceptable to me.
Note that in the list of changes I recommended for the Constitution, I included a penalty for elected officials convicted of crimes, that would be TEN TIMES that given to an ordinary citizen who commits a similar offense. I consider that omission to be one of the Constitution's biggest failings.
Gold is $1,581/oz today. When it hits $2,000, it will be up 26.5%. Let's see how long that takes. - De 3/11/2013 - ANSWER: 7 Years, 5 Months