Re: Thousands fled Canada for health care in 2011
By: Beldin
Thu, 12 Jul 12 3:07 AM
Msg. 64058 of
ROTFLMAO! Canadians by the thousands have been coming to the United States for medical care due to the limitations of the Canadian healthcare system for decades, now. To even suggest that this hasn't been happening is downright ludicrous in the extreme ... and you know it. Hell, I know some of them who have done it on more than one occasion, you silly putz. Back in the seventies, I knew a Canadian kid who got his knee torn apart in a hockey injury and had to get it put back together in Chicago because by March his local hospital had already done their allotment of knee operations for the year and couldn't perform any more until the next calendar year! If he had waited that long, his torn ligaments would have atrophied and he never would have walked normally ever again.