Thank you for thinking of her!
YES, she has. They finally changed her medication and it worked. Also, she is now down to only three pills a day and doing okay with that so she is more back to being her "normal" self, as normal as anyone can be having to be around me that is! lol!!!!
She describes that incision line as a bag of raw nerves and very sensitive to the touch BUT the great news is that she rides the stationary bike I bought before the surgery five times a day for ten minutes at a time!
I think she is well on her way to recovering full use of her right leg again but she has to realize it will be many months before that knee area feels "normal" again.
The therapist made that point to her last week so she would not get discouraged and think she is taking unusually long to heal.
So, all in all, we have come a LONG WAY from where we began and I am ever so grateful I do not have to hear her moaning in pain anymore.
That by itself is a blessing.
Speaking of family, have the kids moved into the new house yet they got? That is always an exciting time.
Do you get to play the part of "mover" or just assist where you can?
I watched my grandson pitch his last baseball game last night for the season. That was close game they played against the best team in the league and lost by three runs. Not bad.
Now its on to pee wee football practice. They are the defending champions from last year and also won a three state competition in their age group in Tennessee against other little boys from Tennessee, Kentucky and Georgia.
Grand-parenting is a lot of fun and sure can keep you busy.
Hope all is well in your family as well KTC.
the best,