I would hardly describe this as "un-American", but that being said, if the biological parents are already in the US, you have to ask yourself, if you were concerned about the well being of the child, and after all, concern for innocent children does count for something, you'd have to weigh exactly what would be best, sending the child back to whatever situation that they might have been in or unite that child with their biological parents, irrespective of THEIR current situation.
And remember, under Obama, more illegals have been deported than was the case under Bush so it's not like nothing has been done in this area.
BTW, it was reported this morning that over 1.3 million undocumented immigrants in America today are Asian, yet I never hear Faux News or any Right-wing pundits bitch and moan about all the illegals from China or Southeast Asia. Perhaps they're more 'tolerant' of people who perhaps are a lighter shade of 'brown'.