Ive been pushing all my major event photos online since the mid/late 80s. or at least as soon as they could be digitized. Kodak bought what was once Ofoto, now they folded and they moved to Shutterfly... All the vacations, family events, weddings, parties, pretty much find them there, plus the originals are on this system, both as original folders, but also as iPhoto Libraries... at least 30 Libraries, semi-sorted to types of events, dated. some face finding... But the handiest for finding faces on here is Google's Picasa (freebie), it finds everything, and even today I still have 90k+ of faces to shuffle, sort... Many duplicates as it sees thumbnails as well as originals... Rgw Kodak library was a couple Tb, so it took a while for them to move it, all still accessible... Backups, beyond Time Machine are a couple cloned drives, and of course DVDs tucked away...
So sometimes it takes a bit to find a particular image, but I don't think I'd want to start a Filemaker inventory... That would crete yet one more copy! Picasa is only an indexing package, no creations other than collages or collections you create in it...
Not enough hours in the days...
Happy Holidays!
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