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Re: Another milestone passed...

By: weco in FFFT | Recommend this post (0)
Mon, 23 Dec 13 6:07 AM | 63 view(s)
Boardmark this board | Food For Further Thought
Msg. 59331 of 65535
(This msg. is a reply to 59299 by oldCADuser)

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Since I've used an iPhoto helper, not really needed any more, but I use iPhoto Buddy to select the Library, when I connect the camera or iPhone, the images would go to the last opened Library, not where I want them, necessarily... So Apple's Image Capture is my gateway, it takes them to a desktop folder, I move them to a new event named/dated folder, process and cull with Photoshop, then on to Shutterfly or iPhoto's correct Library...

So a little different workflow... Some trips, a LOT pics, depending on what's going on.. In those I break them by the tour segment, city, event into more folders...

Where it gets tough is the variety of old scanned photos, family, distant family, events, places, interests..

About all I use FM Pro (v9) for any more is an address listing, but a lot of that I've just moved into Contacts... But I do use it to make up the Word Mail Merge labels, or now the upcoming Class Reunion mailing labels...

So did you order the new little Mac Pro? 9" tall! Fit 6 or 8 of 'em in my current MP box... Toss in the 4K monitor, a few bucks involved...


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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: Another milestone passed...
By: oldCADuser
Mon, 23 Dec 13 2:23 AM
Msg. 59299 of 65535

My FileMaker Pro database only includes thumbnails, along with the relevant information about the images, such as date (Month and Year), media type, Camera, subject matter, individual names of any recognizable persons, etc. And of course information as to the name of the image (a five character alphanumeric string) and where it can be found in the archive (by DVD name based on Media type, negatives versus slides versus digital, plus a 3 digit number). The only real 'duplicates' are what is being retained by iPhoto since I use that as a 'gateway' to download data from my cameras to my Mac.

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