Since I've used an iPhoto helper, not really needed any more, but I use iPhoto Buddy to select the Library, when I connect the camera or iPhone, the images would go to the last opened Library, not where I want them, necessarily... So Apple's Image Capture is my gateway, it takes them to a desktop folder, I move them to a new event named/dated folder, process and cull with Photoshop, then on to Shutterfly or iPhoto's correct Library...
So a little different workflow... Some trips, a LOT pics, depending on what's going on.. In those I break them by the tour segment, city, event into more folders...
Where it gets tough is the variety of old scanned photos, family, distant family, events, places, interests..
About all I use FM Pro (v9) for any more is an address listing, but a lot of that I've just moved into Contacts... But I do use it to make up the Word Mail Merge labels, or now the upcoming Class Reunion mailing labels...
So did you order the new little Mac Pro? 9" tall! Fit 6 or 8 of 'em in my current MP box... Toss in the 4K monitor, a few bucks involved...
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