As the Fourth of July approaches, a number of "open carry" gun activists plan to celebrate American freedom with a show of weapons....I can think of a lot of good ways to celebrate liberty. Intimidating my neighbors with my guns isn't one of them. A march of people brandishing weapons looks more like something that would happen in the Third World than in the world's leading democracy....I arrived at Bagram Air Base in 2012....It felt surreal to see soldiers and airmen off duty, kicking back and watching a movie, with M4 carbines on their shoulders or M9 pistols at their sides. Though they faced far more danger than anyone back home in the U.S., not one of them seemed as angry as some in the armed "patriot" movement. Which begs a question for the folks toting assault rifles into the local coffee shop or Home Depot parking lot: Why are you defending liberty in a stateside coffee shop instead of where it counts, in a combat zone?