Ribit> ...everybody is going to die sooner or later. Can you tell me any solution to global warming that has been proposed that will have any effect whatsoever on the climate?
Ribit> ...if you wanted to raise or lower the temperature of the planet by one degree, how would you go about it???
Joe> The answer to your question is far too complex for you to understand so lets leave it at that.
That answer smells a lot like Enron . . . their
financial reports were 'too complex for ordinary
people to understand' . . . Just before they went bankrupt.
Another question might be . . what has obamba done
that might help the problem?
Shutter coal fired power plants? Not going to help
any while China is building three for every one
obummer might get shut down.
Tens of Billions of dollars to 'green energy companies' . . .
Which went bankrupt so we have no green energy jobs
and no green energy and tens of billions more debt.
How about the Obama's flying his and her 747's when they go on vacation?
How does that help?
Mad Poet Strikes Again.