Replies to Msg. #885312
 Msg. #  Subject Posted by    Board    Date   
65525 Re: Global warming causes increase in South sea ice.
   You do realize just how idiotic that subject title makes you sound, d...
Zimbler0   FFFT   07 Jul 2014
3:42 AM
65522 Re: Global warming causes increase in South sea ice.
   keystone ...stick to something you are familiar with. Chasing ambulan...
ribit   FFFT   07 Jul 2014
2:12 AM

The above list shows replies to the following message:

Global warming causes increase in South sea ice.

By: keystone in FFFT
Mon, 07 Jul 14 12:25 AM
Msg. 65519 of 65535
Jump to msg. #

The Tweedle boys who don't believe in global warming quite obviously do not quite understand temperature flow of water around the world.

Idiocy is the addiction to your own lack of knowledge.

Facts that prove you are wrong inevitably are contorted to prove you are right.

Folks who lack fundamental knowledge of science are unable to understand that which they deny.

The Tweedle boys work with a double handicap.
They don't know the science and their politics makes it impossible for them to understand that which they disagree with.

The tweedle boys depth of intellect is limited apparently to tandem postings of the same bullshit.

As if crap spoken once is more credible if spoken twice.

This particular url took about ten seconds to find on Google.

The Tweedle boys might have found it with five seconds of thought a piece.

Ain't gonna happen.
Idiots are happy being idiots.
That's why they are idiots.

If you can't learn you can't think.

Antarctic glaciation differs from Arctic glaciation.
The Tweedles are on a round world thinking flat thoughts.