Replies to Msg. #896507
 Msg. #  Subject Posted by    Board    Date   
02679 Re: Why is it OK for a white gun nut to carry a loaded AK-47 into a coffee shop or department store but a black guy is shot for holding a toy gun while standing in the TOY department at Walmart...
   ocu sound, ya can't tell when the shootin was done.
ribit   FFFT3   25 Sep 2014
5:20 AM
02675 Re: Why is it OK for a white gun nut to carry a loaded AK-47 into a coffee shop or department store but a black guy is shot for holding a toy gun while standing in the TOY department at Walmart...
   DOJ is investigating this. One problem, the person that phoned 911...
clo   FFFT3   25 Sep 2014
4:51 AM

The above list shows replies to the following message:

Re: Why is it OK for a white gun nut to carry a loaded AK-47 into a coffee shop or department store but a black guy is shot for holding a toy gun while standing in the TOY department at Walmart...

By: oldCADuser in FFFT3
Thu, 25 Sep 14 4:21 AM
Msg. 02674 of 65535
(This msg. is a reply to 01771 by Zimbler0)
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They've released the video showing that the young man was shot AFTER he dropped the toy gun on the floor and while he was trying to move away from the police officer:
