Replies to Msg. #896622
 Msg. #  Subject Posted by    Board    Date   
02725 Re: Why is it OK for a white gun nut to carry a loaded AK-47 into a coffee shop or department store but a black guy is shot for holding a toy gun while standing in the TOY department at Walmart...
   Cops are NOT the only people guilty of 'profiling'.
oldCADuser   FFFT3   26 Sep 2014
8:07 PM
02709 Re: Why is it OK for a white gun nut to carry a loaded AK-47 into a coffee shop or department store but a black guy is shot for holding a toy gun while standing in the TOY department at Walmart...
   ribit, I think he recanted after the video was released.
clo   FFFT3   25 Sep 2014
11:09 PM

The above list shows replies to the following message:

Re: Why is it OK for a white gun nut to carry a loaded AK-47 into a coffee shop or department store but a black guy is shot for holding a toy gun while standing in the TOY department at Walmart...

By: ribit in FFFT3
Thu, 25 Sep 14 10:40 PM
Msg. 02706 of 65535
(This msg. is a reply to 02694 by clo)
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...he 'recanted' after the shooting. It wasn't very helpful.


Liberals are like a "Slinky". Totally useless, but somehow ya can't help but smile when you see one tumble down a flight of stairs!