The worst part about Franklin Graham is how he is affecting the final years of Billy Graham's life, leading him down a path that is a disgrace to everyone and everything that the elder Graham once stood for. It is interesting to note that we contribute monthly to Samaritan's Purse, Franklin Graham's charity that is helping many in third world places like Africa. But, it is also interesting to note that he now floods our mailbox with reports and solicitations that make us wonder how much of our contribution is going for that sort of thing instead of what we intended for it to support. And, we are beginning to wonder if the entire Graham family might not be white power advocates straight out of the fifties when Billy Graham was in his prime. We watch his site of Facebook and it is full of lilly white propaganda straight out of a Norman Rockwell
We know very little but we do know this: there will be no room for haters in heaven, and, Franklin Graham hates Barack Obama.