"He said that there are only three constituencies left for cash. The elderly and the poor depend on cash and can be helped, he said. Criminals also depend on cash because it is anonymous. The third complaints will come from libertarians who “should take one for the team,” he said."
"A key reason that central banks can’t set rates as low as they would like is cash. The theory is that savers would take all of their money out of banks rather than be charged a negative rate."
Citibank wants Central Banks to introduce 5% negative interest
rates & to Prevent you taking out Your Cash they want to BAN
cash & Force everyone into digital currency.
You really are A STUPID IGNORANT FOOL if you still
believe you live in a Free Society!!Any society where
you are forced to hold your money in a Bank & pay them
5% a year while they block you from taking out your money
& using cash,as that makes you a criminal,is NOT A FREE