Thanks Zim!
I remember what a nickel used to buy... an entire loaf of bread! A candy bar.
I remember gasoline at 19 cents a gallon and filling up!
Social Progressives have destroyed America for sure.
Progressives in sheep's clothing (the Bushes) haven;t helped at all.
When was the last time America really prospered and grew at phenomenal rates and strength?
Under Reagan. He HATED progressivism. He believed in turning the private sector loose. Capitalistic economies will thrive and employ lots of people which in turn creates more demands on products for sale, which in turn creates more demand from the companies that make them.... It is self perpetuating...
A concept liberals cannot get their pea sized brains around....
If the bunch over on another board is a typical example, it should scream volumes as attestation to what I am saying.
I'll check on that book!
Thank you!