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Re: The Bernie problem... 

By: oldCADuser in FFFT3 | Recommend this post (2)
Fri, 18 Mar 16 9:16 PM | 73 view(s)
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Msg. 20362 of 65535
(This msg. is a reply to 20361 by clo)

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Bernie is more of a 'Democrat' than many who sit in Congress today.

Note that he's simply saying that he see's no need to drop-out of the race at this time. It's very possible that he and Hillary could go to the convention with the difference being ONLY the so-called 'super-delegates', people who were given that role OUTSIDE of the primary process (note that there is nothing like this on the Republican side where ALL the delegates are chosen via the primary/caucus process). Why should people assume that these 400+ 'super-delegates' are automatically going to vote for Hillary? They are technically NOT bound to anyone and can support whomever they choose. This is how it works for Democrats. It's their system so why are you so upset with what it might mean?

Besides, polls have consistently indicated that Bernie may in fact be more electable than Hillary.

Please keep in mind that despite the fact that any well informed, and sane person knows that there is "no there there" when it comes to both Benghazi and the email server issue, there are many people who are less informed and/or who have a built-in aversion to all things 'Clinton', and trust me, irrespective of who the final GOP candidate is, the RNC and the various billionaire-funded super-PAC's will not hesitate a minute before making this the dirtiest campaign in the history of our country. Despite what you might think, in the end, Bernie has much less 'baggage' that could be used against him.

Anyway, that's my humble opinion.



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The Bernie problem...
By: clo
in FFFT3
Fri, 18 Mar 16 4:19 PM
Msg. 20361 of 65535

The Bernie problem...

Bernie was on Rachel Maddow last night. He intends to go to the convention and ask super delegates & the delegates to select him (even if he doesn't have the count needed) because he thinks he has the best chance to beat Trump.
That's nervy!

If Bernie doesn't 'win' the primary, he can't beat Trump... Bernie has never been a democrat, until running for POTUS, he is NOT loyal to the party.
And I don't trust him after hearing him last night!

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