Hi all.
Just signed up as a NEW AAA member a few minutes ago, myself only, after allowing OUR membership expire a couple days ago. They wanted a HUGE price increase to renew our membership and I called and asked them if they wanted to keep us, we are not going to pay that amount, can you discount the renewal rate.
They declined. SO I let the membership expire at the end of March.
Then I read that ANY vehicle that a member is in is covered by that one person's membership.
I went online to check rates for joining as a NEW MEMBER (since I was no longer renewing as a current member) and low and behold I just renewed for about 35 percent of what they wanted my mrs, and I to pay to renew....
All I really want the card for is for hotel discounts and perhaps some free towing within five miles.Or maybe if I happen to need roadside assistance sometime or to jump a battery in winter time....
Bottom line: Iffen you are a AAA member and you want to save some money, wait until your card expires and the join as a new member a few days after expiration.....
I am doing a little better. I took week off. Stress level is better and I am not having tension headaches as of Thursday night. My anxiety level has quieted also.
Getting better......