Thank goodness it wasn't former Gen Betray-us ..
Any doubts about his TOTAL disqualification for being SOS should be flushed after reading this article:
In speaking about the threat from extremists, Petraeus stressed that the majority of Muslims who reject extremism are the "most important ally" in fighting the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and al Qaeda.
HORSE HOCKEY - Muslims who 'reject extremism' are LYING THROUGH THEIR DAMNED TEETH. It's call TAQUIYA - Gen Betrayus. VIOLENT jihaad is accepted by ALL real muslims - it is a central tenet of their friggin idolatry.
and more from Betray-US ...
“We must also remember that Islamic extremists want to portray this fight as a clash of civilizations, with America at war against Islam,” Petraeus said Wednesday. “We must not let them do that; indeed, we must be very sensitive to actions that might give them ammunition to use in such an effort.”
It IS a clash of civilizations ... or more precisely ...
A clash of the civilized against the UNcivilized.
I have ZERO respect for this BUSH era washout, and should have been convicted FELON.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...