I do not believe for a millisecond that his call was randomly monitored by a leftover leftwing hack.
That is not the point of my opinion. It is a secondary problem that the Trump team is going to have to deal with, like rooting out all the leftover Obamaphiles in these agencies and get rid of them.
Their loyalties are not with America. They are trying to HIDE the real secretive stuff about the behind the scenes IRAN deal imo.
THE CORE ISSUE as to why Mike Flynn cannot stay is that
HE BROKE THE TRUST of being straightforward and truthful with his bosses.
As a cop, if your partner lies to you and yo know it, can there be any trust between you without a question mark in the back of your mind?
Of course not.
If my employees in management positions did not tell me straight up truth if I asked a question of them and I found out later that they lied to me, can I trust them completely anymore?
That is the core issue here. It isn't whether Kelly did ANYTHING right or wrong although we now know he did not violate any laws.
The issue is BROKEN TRUST.
He is not a bad guy. He isn't a bad person.
He screwed up in a bad way by not being truthful with the vice President of the United States and consequently red flags go up everywhere inside the administration and for good reason.
Can they now believe him 100 percent, unequivocally, from now on? THAT question mark would ALWAYS linger in everyone's minds.
Best to get rid of that question mark and the General knew that which is why he resigned. For no other reason I believe. He understands. He is taking ownership of a mistake and being a good soldier or Marine. I admire him for resigning...
Just my viewpoint. Everyone else's is as good as mine...