An excellent post, Zim ... about choosing your battles ... nothing wrong with that, whatsoever. You won what little argument there was ... it did, indeed, rain ... and you were the recipient of a great meal to boot!
No, my point about the "if momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy" horsesh!t has to do with prevailing, underlying attitudes that some people adopt and others publicly placate. Relationships are a two-way street, and whenever someone cops the "if momma ain't happy" attitude ... or someone bends over backwards to acquiesce to it ... it raises my hackles. I'm sick and tired of this femi-Nazi BS where women get to pick and choose when they deserve the benefits of "being just as good, strong, productive, or whatever as men," in spite of the fact that 99% of the time they demonstrably are NOT, and when they deserve the benefits of "being delicate lil' flowers who need to be protected and taken care of by men." It's nothing but a manipulative scheme of "heads I win; tails you lose," and I have no problem, whatsoever, calling them out on that kind of crap. Your girlfriend wasn't engaging in that kind of nonsense ... she was simply wrong about the rain and then made lemonade out of lemons, anyway. Kudos to her!