Well, Mr. Wizard blew the whistle waaaaaaay too soon on this one.
There were several clues from the 'original' "Your fired" post that should have tipped everyone here off about it being a pure fake.
Nobody who negotiates a $20 mil contract is going to settle for a '$150k' get-out-of-the-deal clause.
Just not a gonna happen. And that was early in the article.
Second was the 'description' of what Megyn was going to be doing at NBC - basically fluff-n-puff pieces.
Seriously ? That isn't a dead give away ? What she will be doing has already been highly promoted, and it isn't fluff-n-stuff.
The piece WAS good enough to be a feature on People's Cube. *s*
Oh well Mr. Wizard - at least I didn't give ya the 'spoil sport' of the day award ... was hoping some on the 'other' side would give it a tug. hehehe ....
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...