Well, you know why ... ribit knows why ... monkeytrots knows why ... and everyone else on this board knows why ... but clo and her ilk are simply too willingly stupid to understand.
The fart bubblers have allowed themselves to believe that The Wizard of Oz is the real world ... where intelligence and wisdom can simply be conferred upon someone with a cranium full of straw by the issuance of a piece of paper by an observant leftist institution of higher indoctrination. Yet again, leftists prove themselves to be shallow creatures of form over substance. They care not if someone has proven over and over again that they use their common sense, intelligence, wisdom, drive, decisiveness, persistence to be demonstrably successful - especially if this person is a non-believer (not a dues-paying member of the Cult of Leftist Tyranny) - no, they'd rather obsequiously bestow supercilious praise on those who purchased a worthless diploma that implies that they are smart. Very few people care what the degreed Madcow has to say ... she proves she's an idiot every time she opens her yap. Millions and millions give strong credence to the analysis offered up daily by the immensely successful Rush Limbaugh.
The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence