Well, ribit ... I cannot recommend many of the questionable actions that Lincoln took against his opponents, BUT ... I certainly would publicly thumb my nose at this two-bit, bought-and-paid-for hack in a black robe and dare him to come stop me from carrying out my Constitutional duties. Last time I checked, the three branches of government are equal ... the judiciary does not have some preferential power that elevates it above the other two. If there truly are significant questions about the meaning of a law and how it should be implemented, as POTUS, I would tend to be patient and allow such questions to be worked out through the judicial process. HOWEVER, the law, here, is CRYSTAL CLEAR and the authority for the POTUS to carry out these duties are unambiguously stated in The Constitution. The leftists have gone judge-shopping for black robed idiots who don't care to read and understand the law, but would rather emote a left-wing "decision" based on their butt-hurt interpretation of rhetoric used by candidate Trump on the campaign trail. Do you realize that this dip-sh!t "judge" pooped out a 43-page decision two hours after the hearing ended? 43 pages in two hours! I wonder who wrote it for him, eh? That's easy to answer - the plaintiffs or friends of the plaintiffs (i.e., George Soros and company) gave him all sorts of material to plagiarize from.
The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence