>> the analysts who actually cover companies and make earnings forecasts aren’t buying it.
Hmmm ... To the analysts - ignore the ticker at your own risk ... or in the more common vernacular
Money TALKS - BS walks.
The Money has been SCREAMING - it's worth more, and the analysts don't understand it.
Could it be ....
1.) The market is smarter than the analysts - and the market recognizes that RETAINED earnings have a high probability of INCREASING - through three (or more) means:
a.) Reduced Corporate tax rate to 15% from ??35%?? *that would be one HELLUVA increase in actual 'earnings retained'.
b.) A possible reduction in the CAPITAL GAINS TAX ?
c.) Possible reductions in INDIVIDUAL TAX RATES ?
Any of the above, all or combos, would account for a legitimate increase in demand for stocks (ie. higher prices)
2. The analysts really are the elite of the elite, (that's why they are all multi-billionaires rather than working for some rating/brokerage firm) and the rest of the market is nothing but a bunch of idiot sheeple blindly heading towards the cliff ....
Hmmm - which option makes more sense .... hmmmmmm
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...