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Msg. 24257 of 47202
(This msg. is a reply to 24253 by monkeytrots) |
Well that is interesting Professor. You have a very keen sensitivity to lactose and it seems that is caused by sugar. I won't bother to tell you how delicious that Custard filled chocolate iced donut was earlier today. We won;t talk about the blueberry sour cream donuts either. I ate one for you since I knew you could not do so but probably would if you could. I do this a lot for my wife. She hasn't had a teaspoon of sugar in over 35 years. She is an acute hypoglycemic which is someone with chronic, constant low blood sugar, just opposite of a diabetic.
Takes her all day to get her sugar count up to about 75.... But I do enjoy most food groups and thankfully am not really affected by any.... I have learned to cut back and have managed to lose 10 pounds since January. Another 40 would be good.
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