>> I ate one for you since I knew you could not do so but probably would if you could.
Micro- thank you so much for being so considerate ... turkey ! *s*
Hypoglycemia - low blood sugar - caused by too much insulin production ?
Glucose, of course, is blood sugar.
Can your wife consume glucose, dextrose, or maltose (last two are different forms of glucose) without triggering her hypoglycemia ?
Table sugar is of course - OUT. It contains fructose. Most fruits,I would imagine, would also cause her problems.
Lusting explains how fructose (which is also 1/2 of the molecule of sucrose) causes INSULIN OVERPRODUCTION. Insulin only does one thing in the body - it converts GLUCOSE (blood sugar) into FAT.
So - every release of insulin puts the body into fat making mode. Fructose causes an overrelease of insulin - so it is like getting an insulin injection every time fructose is consumed. Doesn't matter whether it is 'high fructose', 'low fructose', 'natural fruit sugar', 'table sugar' - it all results in the same thing - GETTING A FAT SHOT. So, it really isn't the 'calories' that are causing the weight to go up - it is the body overproducing insulin. Calories count for only a small part of the weight gain - it is the insulin releasethat causes the problem.
Endocrinologist - guy has respectable credentials.
Sugar - the Bitter Truth http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM
btw: Congrats on the weight loss. Since cutting sugar from my diet - have lost a little more than 100 pounds. And sugar is in durn near everything - bread,ketchup, bbq sauce, almost all 'processed' foods.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...