Alea has been a left wing blinded fanatic forever.
He is NOT American. He is British. (I assume it is a male)
There is no discussion or reasoning with Alea. He bashes away just like Clo and her group of reprobates without any actual facts and of course takes the radical left's point of view.
I noticed that Alea has mistakenly adopted a position that Americans all thought that the European Union was a good idea.
Such assumptions are what gets people in trouble if they ever engage in real discussion.
HE is not interested in differing viewpoints on that board and even civil dissension is not allowed. I was banned from there years ago. At that time he had some real flaming liberals supporting him.
He is pretty much atheistic as well.
No loss not having your voice heard there.
It's what far left extremists do. They shut down your ability to talk and reason because they are not interested in discussion. They are only interested in YOU becoming like them...
I noticed he posted a question about if the right started anew television network and Roger Ailes was involved who would advertise on it or promote it?
This absurd question from someone across the pond in a failed society whose country has been over run by people from another country due to their own stupidity and liberalism, is a shining example of how naive the leftist hate camp really is.
Let's see? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Geographically, how many states voted for Trump versus the Clinton COMMUNIST Party??? MORE THAN 60 percent....
With the exception of concentration of commies on the leftist coast and northeast coast, what did the entire rest of the nation look like on a map of people REJECTING the Left????
So, to answer the resident genius Alea's question who would advertise and watch another television network?
OVER HALF this country and there would be no shortage of paid advertisers either.......
See, Alea forgets that if the LEFT chooses to BOYCOTT companies, the right can do that with equal effectiveness as well.
SO is that a game the lefties really want to engage in?
No. Because most leftwing nut jobs are YOUNG, ignorant, unknowledgeable, dipticks who have no idea why they like to vote one way, but care less about who they buy products from.....
They are wishy washy in other words.....
So as smug as some people want to be, it simply shows a lack of certainty on their positions and think that stifling everything someone from across the aisle wants to do is just for kicks and teaching them a lesson that if you do not fall into line and be a good comrade to the leftwing, you are not worthy to be in business.
I have a book suggestion for Alea. Actually a couple.
Mein Kampf
Reasons to Vote for Democrats.
Don't lose any sleep over Alea's board Nemo. It isn't worth it and you waste your time there anyway.....